If you listen to the link below, you will hear. . . a strange creature (moi) sounding as if they are talking underwater.

That’s because I was fast asleep when the researchers woke me up with three phone calls, one after the other, to speak, immediately – live – on the Gaby Roslin and Paul Ross radio breakfast programme. Last week, having cancelled an interview (short of time) they said they would call on Wedneday morning to record a short interview for their programme on Thursday 18th Feb.
They didn’t so I was catching up on my ugly sleep. . .

Oh, and why do I just acknowledge Gaby in the interview? Because I wasn’t told that Paul Ross is in the studio with her! When Gaby was asking questions, I thought we had a crossed line but, trouper that I am, thought it would be rude to mention…. Doh!

So BBC London, please, if there is going to be a next time (I doubt it) please, please, please - Wake Me Up before you decide to Go Go Go. Thanks.

Good excuse to use a George Michael title though!BBC London, The Breakfast Show with Gaby Roslin and Paul Ross,: fast forward to 2:33:00 to listen.


Mewsli said...

Just out of curiosity, why not post or contribute on/to the Ouch forum ?

Anyone looking at the DOW website have been actively encouraged to visit and to discuss the show &c.

It seems strange that a contributor/performer/contestant from the show hasnt made an appearance as yet. Im wondering why !

Diana Morgan-Hill said...

Good point Mewsli - from my perspective its just due to lack of time - I believe there are some very interesting posts on Ouch that would require (in my opinion very thoughtful and considered responses) and because I made the decision to do this blog - due to being the only person that bothered taking any photos - and I keep a diary - so its nothing to wonder about - do try to get the other contestants to do so though - there are 6 of us taking part!
Thanks for your interest